We are proud to announce that To Chris Marker, An Unsent Letter is available on DVD for educational use.
Click here for more information on how to purchase it.
DVDs for home video will be available on April 22, 2014.
About the film

A collective cinematic love letter to the elusive French filmmaker Chris Marker in documentary form, Emiko Omori’s timely film captures the persona of a filmmaker who is at once both contradictorily present in and distant from his body of work. Notoriously private, self-described as the “best known author of unknown works,” Marker is widely known for a few key cinematic works such as LA JETÉE (1963) and SANS SOLEIL (1983), but his wider filmography remains undiscovered. Through interviews with Marker's many colleagues and admirers, Omori lovingly describes a man whose preference for personal privacy has rendered him perhaps cinema’s most famous enigma: a man who is his works. Marker’s films have affected many, both those who know him personally and those who only know him through his films. Omori pays tribute to the legendary and ephemeral filmmaker, the "cat who walks by himself," Chris Marker.
-Samuel B. Prime Melnitz Movies Director
-Samuel B. Prime Melnitz Movies Director